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Taziye Defteri / Register of Condolences

Julian Bennett

Julian Bennett

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Merih Ece Aker
Content Developer
He had a beautiful heart. When my friend and I joined his class, his teaching broad my horizon about Roman Architecture. I always remember your sweet bugs bunny tie with your happy face!
30.01.2025 22:09
Defne Ozer
Julian hocamdan 2 donem arkeoloji dersi almistim. Hic konum olmamasina ragmen heyecan icinde girdigim derslerdi. Derslerinin benim icin ozel anilari var. Bilgi dagarcigi cok yuksek, bazen ingiliz aksaninin icinde kayboldugunuz ve bir anda muhtesem bir bilgiyle ciktiginiz bir akisi vardi. Allah rahmet eylesin. Ailesine bas sagligi diliyorum.
30.01.2025 21:55
Sorry For Your Lost
30.01.2025 21:35
Ayşegül Baykal
Student at Bilkent University
Mr. Bennett was one of the sweetest, kindest, and most considerate professors I’ve ever met at Bilkent. I had the chance to meet him during my 3rd year (last spring semester) in the HART221 “Great Discoveries from the Ancient World” class. He was very enthusiastic about the topic and eager to teach us about the mesmerizing historical discoveries that changed the whole destiny of humanity. He was the only teacher who didn’t allow the use of technological devices during class hours, which I respected a lot, considering the attention span of our generation. He taught me so much and made me love archaeology, an area I could never have imagined having an interest in. I believe we were his last class, and despite being in a tiring period filled with operations, he was deeply attentive to us. I still smile when I think about him giving me an A- on my final assignment, even though he was a Lancastrian. He will be a great loss for Bilkent and will always be remembered with fondness. May he rest in peace.
30.01.2025 21:32
Ali Ercüment Selçuk
Kendisiyle 2000 yılında bir proje vesilesi ile tanışıp uzun uzun konuşmuştuk, Ankara’yı çok sevdiğini söylemişti..Allah rahmet eylesin mekanı cennet olsun 🙏🏻
30.01.2025 21:30
Selin Su Korkmaz
He was an amazing person. I was a big fan of his accent and the storytelling style of him. He had a good sense of humor. Also, he was super understanding person. I only took an elective class from him but I had a chance to learn a lot. God bless his soul and I hope he rests in peace.
30.01.2025 21:29
Serhan nircan
Sevgiyle anıyorum.
30.01.2025 21:09
Nihan karahalil
Rest in peace dear Prof Bennett
30.01.2025 20:41
Mustafa Onur Çömlekçi
Internal Audit Executive
I ve been so sad since i heard that really bad news. Jullian was one of my favourites prof. I still telling to my friends the stories he told me 15 years ago. Rest in peace Jullian, condolesence to the family :(
30.01.2025 20:28
Ece Şenkal
I would like to express my sincere condolences and deepest sympathies… Rest in peace hocam🙏🏻
30.01.2025 20:24
Enver Arcak
Film Yapımcısı
Amaç, tutku ve haysiyetle yaşanmış bir hayat. Sadece bir hoca olarak değil, aynı zamanda şefkatli bir yol gösterici, bilge bir rehber ve sevgili bir dost olarak da her zaman anılarımızda olacaksın. Huzur seninle olsun sevgili Julian... Dilerim yıldızlara yolculuğun Dünya'da yaşadığın hayat kadar pırıl pırıl olsun.
30.01.2025 20:06
Engin Karacaören
Emekli Og. GOR.
Bilkent ailesi olarak basimiz sagolsun, mekani cennet olsun. Ailesine sevdiklerine sabirlar diliyorum.
30.01.2025 20:02
Ayşe Batman
First, as a student, I learned everything I knew about Rome from you. I learned about Roman army camps, weapons, the Eastern Provinces of Rome and, of course, the Emperor Trajan with great enthusiasm. We explored the city with you on a four-day trip to Rome. No one has ever visited Rome in such detail, no one has ever lived it so much. Years passed. I returned to my school, and this time I had the chance to teach with you in different classes of the same course. And today, I still use your notes to teach Rome to my students. Every day, when I passed by your room and went to my own office, I was always looking for you. I was hoping you might come back. You didn’t. Thank you for all, Julian. Rest in peace.

“Te Traianus Optimus Princeps excipiat”
30.01.2025 20:01
Nuve Yazgan
As an Internationals Relations student, I got one of his modules back in 2014. One of the best modules I got in Bilkent. He was an amazing educator and he kindly gave me A plus from that module. My condolonces to his family.
30.01.2025 20:00
Ali Serdar GÖK
Borusan Oto-JLR Ürün Danışmanı ve Elektrikli Araçlar Uzmanı
Son derece sevecen, hoşgörülü ve insana saygısı üst düzey bir hocamdı. Ailesi ve tüm sevenlerine baş sağlığı ve sabır diliyorum.
30.01.2025 19:32
Lauren Kent
I am so so so sorry for your loss!
30.01.2025 19:27
Ece Karakış Fırat
One of the greatest souls I’ve ever met. Sending my condolences to his family and loved ones. Başımız sağolsun.
30.01.2025 19:26
Kadrie Günaydın
HART 01 ve HART 04 Mezunu
Değerli Hocam, seni kaybetmek, Bilkent geçmişim ve anılarımdan önemli bir parçayı kaybetmek gibi. Sen Arkeoloji bölümümüzün ayrilmaz önemli bir parçası idin. Türkiye'de ve Bilkent'te oluşun ile bircok kişinin hayatina dokundun. Biz öğrencilerine ve Bilkent Arkeoloji bölümüne kattıkların için çok teşekkürler. Anılarımızda ve fotoğraflarımızda yasamaya devam edeceksin...
30.01.2025 19:19
Ali Bozdoğan
I'm very sorry to hear about his loss but I'm so lucky to have met you. Hopefully god rest his soul.
30.01.2025 19:18
Senar Arcak
Research Assistant
He overflowed with life, great passion for his work and always knew the right thing to say. I learnt so much from him and will miss him deeply. I wish heartfelt condolonces to his family and everyone else upon whom he touched.
30.01.2025 19:15
Toplam 79 mesaj. / 79 messages in total.