David Davenport Taziye Defteri

Register of Condolences


Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü’nde öğretim üyesi olan değerli hocamız Dr. David Davenport’u 16 Şubat 2021 Salı günü kaybettik. David Hocamız 35 yıl boyunca üniversitemize ve öğrencilerine yaptığı eşsiz katkılarıyla kalbimizde yaşayacak. Kendisini her zaman en güzel anılarla hatırlayacak ve özleyeceğiz. Ailesine, sevenlerine, öğrencilerine, çalışma arkadaşlarına ve Bilkent camiasına en derin başsağlığı dileklerimizi sunarız.

Davenport 1987'den beri Bilkent Üniversitesi öğretim üyesi olarak çalışıyordu.

Duygularınızı burada paylaşabilirsiniz.


Dr. David Davenport, a beloved faculty member in the Computer Engineering department, has passed away on Tuesday, February 16, 2021. He will always be remembered and missed with his profound contributions to our university and students for 35 years. We extend our deepest and heartfelt condolences to his family and loved ones, students, colleagues, and the entire Bilkent University community. 

You can offer your condolences here.

His Biography

Registered Condolences  /  Kayıtlı Taziyeler

Susan Clifford (Sister) 2021-03-27 18:03:49
It has taken a while to be able to write here, as I miss David so much but I have been somewhat comforted reading the entries in this book, to learn that he was so loved and respected by everyone who met him. When we were growing up, I always looked up to my darling big brother. This was partly due to him being older than me, partly down to the fact that he and our other brother Chris, inherited the “tall” gene in our family & I didn't, but mostly because I aspired to be like him; he was funny, smart, interesting, handsome, caring and exciting, he drove a car which was very useful at times and always had time for me, even when I was the annoying little sister. He called me Susie. He introduced me to Fleetwood Mac. And motor racing. And ginger biscuits. He was kind and strong and loyal. He & Gunes gave me the most beautiful, special niece in Derya, who has inherited so many of his traits. He adored my children and always took an interest in whatever they were doing, even from so far away.
He was a really great brother and I will miss his constant smile, big heart and his enthusiasm for life, forever. Loving you always David, Susie x

Engin Karacaören (İspanyolca Ö.G.) 2021-03-13 11:46:38
Acı haberi aldığımda inanamadım. Çok vakitsiz bir ayrılık oldu. Kendilerine Allahtan rahmet ailesine, yakınlarına ve tüm Bilkent caimasına bağ sağlığı diliyorum. Mekanı cennet olsun.

Ramazan Melih Diksu (Öğrenci) 2021-03-13 10:53:53
I will cherish the memories of our small talks between breaks forever. Rest in peace dear hocam, we miss you.

Zerrin Tandogan (POLS. Bilkent) 2021-03-06 01:30:32
Never met in person but always felt and appreciated his valuable contributions to our community. Sevgili eşine ve kızına baş sağlığı dileklerimle...

Alper Can (Bir Dost/Yazilim) 2021-03-03 02:07:14
Vefat haberini sabah uyandigimdaki mesajlarimda aldigimda, hala bir ruyada gibiydim, daha henuz gelecege dair planlar yapan birisiydi. David amca'yi haftasonu yuruyusleriyle, kendim Bilkent kampusunu ziyaret ettigimde anacagim. Yakinlarina bassagligi dilerim--

Ozan (Assist. Prof. (Sociology)) 2021-03-02 11:51:59
I'm so sorry to hear of Davenport family's painful loss. I met David during my undergraduate studies at Bilkent University. It was in 2005. Despite all the difficulties and absurdities in the world, he was a very smiling person. That doesn't mean he didn't use to take anything seriously at all. What I'm trying to say is the power of the light in his eyes. This light is still there and will continue for me. Because the light emitted by people like David always keeps touching us. May he rest in peace... I wish condolences to Güneş Hoca, Derya, David's family, David's former students and loved ones.
Davenport aiesinin acı veren kaybını duyduğum için çok üzgünüm. David'le Bilkent Üniversitesi'nde lisans eğitimim sırasında tanışmıştım. 2005 yılıydı. Dünyadaki tüm zorluklara ve saçmalıklara rağmen çok gülümseyen bir insandı David. Bu, hiçbir şeyi ciddiye almadığı anlamına gelmiyor. Söylemeye çalıştığım şey, gözlerindeki ışığın gücü. Bu ışık hala orada ve benim için devam edecek. Çünkü David gibi insanların yaydığı ışık her zaman bize dokunmaya devam ediyor. Huzur içinde yatsın... Güneş Hoca'ya, Derya'ya, David'in ailesine, David'in eski öğrencilerine ve sevdiklerine başsağlığı diliyorum.

Ayışığı B. Sevdik Çallı (Instructor) 2021-03-01 13:40:57
I met Dr. Davenport during my master's studies at Bilkent some more than 15 years ago, when I believe I TA'd briefly. This semester I was happy to join the CS Department as an instructor, where I thought I would finally be a colleague and have a chance to learn from Dr. Davenport. He was such a pillar of Bilkent CS Department that even my friends from other universities have heard of him, his teaching and ROBO. Even when I said I was starting at Bilkent they asked about David Hoca.

I had just seen him after so many years in the Department meeting through Zoom. Then two days after that we received the shocking news of his passing and I could not believe it. I read the email from our department chair over and over again until I could understand. I was so deeply saddened. His loss affected many many people both in Bilkent and in the CS community outside of Bilkent because many had heard of his devotion to teaching CS. I hope we can all learn from his ways to always aspire to be better in our work and always have a smile on our face. May he rest in peace in heaven.

Erin Maloney (Instructor) 2021-03-01 10:36:58
I miss David. He was the perfect combination of kind, quirky, and honest. I remember how, years ago, he and I independently attended the same humanities seminar. We were the only non-humanities people there, and he said he wished more engineers/scientists would come to these sorts of things. Of course, I agreed, but was honored to be "one of the few", with David. I miss you, David. May you rest, in light and peace.

Arman Hilmioglu (Former Student / Engineering Manager) 2021-02-28 19:32:12
It's not surprising to read so many messages from so many people, you have touched so many lives in a positive way. You'll be remembered in our minds and in our hearts as that kind teacher who introduced so many generations of students to programming. Thank you for everything David. It was great to know you and it's been a privilege to be your student.

Kadriye Uğuray Ertuğrul (Güneş'in Ablası) 2021-02-28 18:01:28
David, kardeşim gibiydi, hiçbir zaman yeri dolmayacak. Zaten herkes onu o kadar güzel anlatmış ki. Acımız büyük, hepimize sabır diliyorum.

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